
See what our clients have to say after working with Beacon Light Doulas

"Elizabeth was a source of rootedness and comfort for me in a very lonely and dark time when my mother was sick in hospice with stage 4 cancer. I never experienced losing someone so close to me before so I had no idea what an end-of-life doula was. My pregnancy doula recommended I seek one out. I was shocked to learn of such a profession.

I immediately googled Asian American end of Life doulas because I wanted someone who understood my Chinese culture and the family dynamics that I come from. She was the first person that I found and it was truly a blessing and very serendipitous that she offered her services to me in such a short amount of time.

Each time we talked over zoom, she gave me space to grieve since I didn't have much space to grieve as a caretaker. I was also pregnant for the first time and so it was a very intense season of life hormonally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, but when I look back on it, Elizabeth was definitely someone who helped hold my hand through it all.

I am forever grateful."

Stephanie S. (Los Angeles)

"The first time I ever spoke with Mary I knew I was in the right place at the right time. I was going through a crossroads in my life grieving the loss of a close family member, raising a toddler, and had spent a decade plus trying to find a job that I was meant to pursue. Just a one hour conversation with Mary changed my life forever.

I am now one year into my dream career, well on my way healing from my loss and taking motherhood mindfully and gratefully. Through our first conversation I realized that the universe was telling me to follow this path my whole life and I was blind to it the whole time. I had it all inside me the whole time but it wasn’t until I spoke with Mary that the stars aligned and I started living the life I was always intended to.

She listens, she cares, she helps you see what you were always intended to see. She is my mentor, my spirit guide and a living guardian angel. I can’t say enough good about her. I am so glad our paths have crossed and we will be connected for life."

Lauren Salazar

"Erica, Thank you is not enough to express my gratitude to you and Mary for the guidance, support, and amazing kindness provided to my family during my mom’s recent passing. As you know, mom’s illness was brief and devastating. She was faced with few treatment options (none of which would cure her or improve the quality of her life). When she made the amazingly brave decision to go home to hospice care, we had no idea what to do.

We had never navigated a home hospice journey, we didn’t know what to expect, we didn’t know what to do next. Before mom even left the hospital, I called you. I knew that you were a life transition doula, but I had never worked with a doula, nor had anyone in my family. All I knew was that mom didn’t have a lot of time left and we needed a guiding light in the darkness.

That is exactly what you and Mary have been. Our time with you was emotional, challenging, and incredibly beautiful. You asked the right questions that helped us learn what was important to mom: how she wanted to spend the time she had left, what she wanted us to know, what she wanted to do, what she wanted us to do for her. When her journey was coming to an end, you and Mary helped us understand what to expect. You held mom’s hands and provided comfort and reassurance.

It is because of you, Mary, and our amazing hospice team that we were able to fulfill mom’s wish to spend her final days in the way she wanted."

Forever grateful, Sharon

"I just want to express my gratitude through these weeks how you both have crossed my mind esp whenever I felt nervous or overwhelmed reach out to you.

I also was able to remember your words of encouragement and wisdom and feel you both alongside me in this walk. Thank you for sharing your strength support and guidance through such an intense time of need. ❤️❤️❤️"


Our Mission

We compassionately support families and friends as they navigate the stages of planning, honoring, and caring for their most cherished loved ones through life’s greatest transitions.

Beacon Light Doulas provides compassionate end-of-life care, death doula services, and grief support for terminal illness and death at home.

We are SF Bay Area death doulas servicing San Jose, San Francisco, Pacifica, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin and San Francisco County