Your Personalized Planning Session

FREE 30 minute planning session

Helping your loved one through a difficult diagnosis or late life transition and planning for end of life is difficult.

It's stressful and full of uncertainties for everyone involved.

Regardless of how much everyone wishes this wasn't happening, this process is still going to play out.

It's going to be hard but it doesn't have to be miserable!

With our support you will get through this challenging time with far less confusion and struggle.

We'll help you have meaningful conversations with your loved ones to ensure everyone is informed and heard.

We'll help you build a plan for every step of this path, from advanced care advocacy and financials to hospice, end of life celebrations, and grief support.

You're here for them and we're here for you.

Sign up below and pick a convenient time on our self-scheduling calendar for your free personalized plan where we'll assess your unique situation, offer helpful recommendations, and tell you more about our process and all the options available to you and your loved ones when you work with us.

Our gift to you for being open and sharing with us in this introductory call is a checklist and resources to help you work through this challenging time whether you decide to work with us or not.

You and your loved ones deserve an easeful, compassionate, beautiful and connected end of life transition.

Beacon Light Doulas are experts in the delicate art of supporting individuals and their loved ones through significant life changes, specializing in late-life and end-of-life transitions. We provide individualized resources and education, patient-centered healthcare advocacy and compassionate guidance through a broad spectrum of age-related challenges. We help navigate difficult conversations, complex family dynamics, consequential health diagnoses, family relocations, moving into assisted living, aging in place, palliative care, hospice services, end-of-life planning and guidance through the last stages of life.

Our Mission

We compassionately support families and friends as they navigate the stages of planning, honoring, and caring for their most cherished loved ones through life’s greatest transitions.

Beacon Light Doulas provides compassionate end-of-life care, death doula services, and grief support for terminal illness and death at home.

We are SF Bay Area death doulas servicing San Jose, San Francisco, Pacifica, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin and San Francisco County